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Publicité sans scrupule

Remerciement au Guru

 Remerciement au Guru

oH, Guru Jyortirananda,

Your are the mystic symbol of the absolute reality

You wake us up with your teaching, thank you

You make us fly like a swan. Our mind is going through a deep transformation by seeing through the window and deep into our heart.

Guru Jyortirananda, you make us reflect on the nature of who we are (like you say so well), what is the nature of our world and how we should act according to our perceptions.

Guru Jyortirananda, continue making us meditate and see through ouselves the serinity, peace and beauty that we are all.

You are making us attuned with nature, without any stress

Like a mountain, Guru Jyortirananda we feel the fresh breeze of shakti.

With your immense power, we are permitted to accept and experience that same immense power within

Swami Jyortirananda, we feel your strenght and your calm. Like a lake that is still and rippleless, we fell your compassion.

May your soul that has attained enlightenment shine upon us all.

With your help, our sanskaras are vanishing. The three worlds are at peace. Like our physical body, our mind and our hearth being in harmony.

Guru Jyortirananda, continue filling us with your grace of God and profound generosity.

We enjoy your presence, we offer you our Guru thousands of thanks

Free us from the illusion, the chain of reincarnation.

You make us realize the splender of the sun within us. We feel your presence all the time.

Like the strength of the elephant we thank you Guru Jyortirananda to bring us to the next level, that which is bliss.

You make us want to be better students so we can share your glory.

Allow us to let God manifest in everything: Sunsets, glory, strenght of the elephant and more.

Thank you Guru Jyortirananda for allowing us to breath, we owe this to you too.

Seeing and knowing about your presence is freeing us from stress; Upon our body, our mind and our spirit.

You help us attain enlightenment.

Indeed you do not make us avoid or pretend we are free, you help us being showered of blissful Sat Chit Ananda.

Thank you and blessing to you Guru Jyortirananda.

May you continue help us end misery and feel eternal joy et bliss for ever.

Daniel Gauthier

Publicité sans scrupule


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Remerciement au Guru

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Méditation du soltice 2012

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De Miami à Lake Wales, Orlando

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